Sunday, 6 September 2015

Small steps for a big journey!!

Life can be hard sometimes. You may become angry. Tired. Confused. Everyone goes through this at some stage in their life. So why not make it a little easier sometimes. That's what I'm doing. I may not be feeling all them emotions right now as I'm writing this, but I know I will do later on in life. I've started this blog to express myself in a different way and connect with new people. Some people might think I''m following the crowd, but I'm not; I am doing this for myself.

It might turn out to be your typical blog post, but who cares. You all read blogs which interest you and that's why you're reading this blog in particular: because it interests you. Everyone's blog posts will be unique in some way, whether that be that they use a different layout, word what they say differently to the way which you would do, or they write about something completely different to you. My blog posts may be slightly different to yours or completely different. I don't mind because we all have our own spin on things.

If only one person ends up reading my blog posts, then only one person ends up reading my blog posts. If hundreds end up reading my blog posts, then hundreds end up reading my blog posts. I don't mind how many people end up reading my blog posts as long as they enjoy them and make them happy, then that puts a smile on my face!

So remember, we are all in this journey together, taking small steps at a time...


  1. Hi Leah :-) It is so nice to meet you. I am just starting out too! And yes, each blog is different in it's own way. Looking forward to your future posts.

    1. Thank-you. I'm really liking your blog. If mine was like that I would be really proud x

  2. Aw I really enjoyed reading this, welcome to the blogging world!

    The Velvet Black | UK Style & Beauty Blog

    1. arrr thank-you. I really like your blog as well!! x

  3. Hope you find some sort of release for how you're feeling. I've also been through something similar, so i can easily relate.
    Make your blog for you, other people with the same interests will come along :) Nice post btw!

  4. Hi Leah! Thank you for sharing these wise words ♡ I really like your writing style

    1. Thank-you, I'm glad you think they are wise :)
